
22 High Demand Low Competition Gigs On Fiverr

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These 22 low-competition gigs on Fiverr will help you land your first Fiverr job – since they are low in competition but high in demand, it will be easy for you to get in the spotlight and be found by buyers.  

Fiverr is an online marketplace for digital services, and as a result of the influx of freelancers on the platform, it may be difficult to get buyers from the highly competitive niches on Fiverr. This is why I have put together these 22 high-demand low competition gigs on Fiverr to help you get jobs on the platform as soon as possible.  

If you are reading this post, it means as a freelancer, you are struggling with sales and you are looking for how to get more sales on Fiverr or any other freelance platform. Don’t worry because you are not alone, there are people who are in the same boat as you, but hey, you are here which means you are one step ahead. So, take this opportunity, to go through the list, and set up some gigs using the niches I will show you here. I have done thorough research on these low-competition gigs on Fiverr. And I believe with them, you will start getting jobs on Fiverr. 

Alright, let’s delve in so I will share them with you. 

22 High Demand Low Competition Gigs On Fiverr

Before We go through the list, here are some things considered before concluding that the niche is high in demand and low in competition. 

What makes a Low Competition Gig On Fiverr?

The volume of sellers: If there are less than three thousand (3K) sellers in that niche, then it’s a good niche and if you have less than 1K sellers, it’s very perfect. 

The number of searches: The number of people who are looking for services on that niche makes it either a high demand niche, low demand niche, or no demand niche. 

Gigs matching exact same keywords: keyword is the most important factor here. When I see a gig that does not match my exact same keyword, it means it’s not fully in my niche. So, I can outrank the gig and take up a better position on the Fiverr search page.  

Alright, there are other factors that may be considered, but these are the most important ones. 

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Graphics Design Low Competition Gigs On Fiverr

1. Instagram Highlight Icons

instagram highlight icons

Instagram highlight cover design is one amazing gig that anyone can offer right now on Fiverr. 

The good thing about this service is that it does not require much skill to get started, and does not need lots of tools as well. 

With Canva free version you are good to go and you can create stunning designs for your client. However, you need to have graphics ideas and know a bit about designing concepts plus the trend on highlight covers. 

Below, you can see the stats on Fiverr, it just has about 1616 services in total and the online sellers are just 127.

Gig Statistics

  • Total services: 1616
  • Online Sellers: 127
  • Average price per service: $10
  • Average monthly search: 12K


2. Facebook Cover Design

facebook cover Design - low competition gigs on fiverr

If you are a graphics designer, another place you can niche down to is the Facebook cover design gigs. This is a great low-competition gig on Fiverr that you can set up and start getting orders within a few days. 

There are lots of software you can use for this service such as Photoshop, Canva, Illustrator, and so on. You just have to find the right fit for your design projects and you are good to go. 

On Fiverr, there are about 3,663 services available in this niche, and only 359 online services are available daily on average. The good thing is that you can earn more by offering this service since the average gig price is around $30. However, as a beginner, you need to keep your price low to get buyers and quality reviews first. 

Gig Statistics

  • Total services: 3663
  • Online Sellers: 359
  • Average price per service: $30
  • Average monthly search: 10K


3. Cookbook Cover design

Cookbook Cover design

Right now, the cookbook cover niche is extremely low in competition and high in demand. We all know that every publisher and writer wants to get the best book cover design for their book. 

However, the book cover niche, in general, is highly saturated, but if you can niche down for example, using the Cookbook Cover design, you will see that there are a lot of opportunities to make money here. This is one low-competition niche on Fiverr that is highly untapped. 

With just around 112 services available and barely 10 online services available, you can crush this niche if you are serious to make money online as a freelancer. 

Gig Statistics

  • Total services: 112
  • Online Sellers: 10
  • Average price per service: $10
  • Average monthly search: 3600


4. Instagram Infographics Niche

instagram infographics - High Demand Low Competition Gigs On Fiverr

If you love designing, then you are in for an enjoyable ride in this niche. This is another spot-on niche that is very low in competition but high in demand. 

Instagram is taking businesses to a whole new level and lots of businesses want to keep up with their competitors, especially in the area of graphics.

Since the platform is majorly for graphics and video, people want something that’s elegant, classy, and professional. So, if you are good then the Instagram infographic niche is a very low competition gig on Fiverr that you can set up and appear on the first page of the Fiverr search on the same day. 

This niche has just 619 services available and only 28 online services at the moment. In fact, one design_hunters1 is occupying over 6 positions in the online sellers. If you ask me, this is an opportunity you want to grab right away and start getting buyers for your service.

Gig Statistics

  • Total services: 619
  • Online Sellers: 28
  • Average price per service: $5
  • Average monthly search: 2500


5. Watercolor Logo

High Demand Low Competition Gigs On Fiverr - watercolor logo

Logo design is one area that keeps thriving in the freelance marketplace. This is because new businesses spring up daily and even old ones want to rebrand their logo and give it a new look.

If you check on Fiverr, you will notice that the logo design niche is highly saturated and competitive. However, niching down to a specific kind of logo design will give you an edge. 

After some thorough research, I found that the watercolor logo niche is low in competition gigs on Fiverr, high in demand, and most amazingly, has a very high price tag. This means you can make more money just by offering a watercolor logo design. 

The number of services found in this niche is just about 2,402 services available and only 112 only sellers available. With a professional profile and quality and optimized gig, you can start ranking on the first page of Fiverr in this keyword and start getting loads of orders. 

You need to know how to design a watercolor logo before jumping into this niche. You can learn any skill on Udemy with just a few bucks. 

Gig Statistics

  • Total services: 2402
  • Online Sellers: 112
  • Average price per service: $35
  • Average monthly search: 2200


6. Email Design Gigs

Email Design Gigs - High Demand Low Competition Gigs On Fiverr

This is the process of strategically designing and creating an email that resonates with a business’s target audience – it should specifically resonate with the current email subscribers of the business. 

With Email marketing gaining momentum daily, you can take the opportunity to position yourself as a professional Email marketing designer. This will enable you to get lots of jobs not just on Fiverr but other freelance places and even offline. 

This is a low-competition gig on Fiverr that is making a strong wave at the moment. But then again, you need to learn the required skills, and to do so, you just simply get a course from Udemy and you are good to go. 

This low competition niche on Fiverr only has just 1,622 services available and only 123 of those sellers are usually online on average. 

Gig Statistics

  • Total services: 1622
  • Online Sellers: 123
  • Average price per service: $15
  • Average monthly search: 7500


7. Brand Style Guides

Brand Style Guides - High Demand Low Competition Gigs On Fiverr

If you know how to design logos, business cards, letter heading, social media kits, etc. then you can offer a service on Fiverr as a brand style designer. 

This niche offers great low-competition gigs on Fiverr that can make you handsome money in the long run. Plus, you can have recurring customers who may just be coming back for either just the logo, business card, or a new logo entirely simply because they love your first job. 

The brand tyle guides gigs are not gigs for 5 dollars or even 10 dollars. You can offer a service in this niche for as high as 50 dollars all the way to 2000 dollars depending on your level of professionalism. 

Another good thing about this niche is that you can set up yourself as a full-time business offering these services and get buyers both online and offline. This niche just has about 5,869 services available on Fiverr and online 246 of those sellers are usually online. 

Gig Statistics

  • Total services: 5869
  • Online Sellers: 246
  • Average price per service: $50
  • Average monthly search: 8000


8. Resume Design Niche

Resume Design Niche

There are lots of people looking to polish and revamp their resumes and cover letters to get them ready and enable them to land their next job. And guess what, most of these people don’t know how to design an award-winning resume and so they turn to professional freelancers to help them achieve this. 

Luckily for you, there are just very few services in this niche – making the resume design niche very low-competition gigs on Fiverr. Anyone with a design skill can simply extend their design career to accommodate this niche. 

The Resume Design Niche has just about 5,562 services available and only about 256 of those sellers are actually online. This means, that with a good and optimized profile and gig, you can rank on the first page and start getting orders. 

Gig Statistics

  • Total services: 5562
  • Online Sellers: 256
  • Average price per service: $15
  • Average monthly search: 9000


9. LinkedIn/YouTube Cover Design

LinkedIn Cover - High Demand Low Competition Gigs On Fiverr

As long as you can offer a Facebook cover design, then you can also add this service to boost your chances of getting more orders. 

One good thing with this niche is that there are lots of people looking to get a professional LinkedIn or Facebook cover done for their personal profiles and pages. And you don’t necessarily need to produce every design from scratch since you have lots of templates out there to use. 

You can easily use Canva of Photoshop to achieve this project and send it to your client. LinkedIn/YouTube Cover Designs are low-competition gigs on Fiverr at the moment and you can easily rank your gigs in this niche. 

While the LinkedIn cover design niche has just about 3,324 services available on Fiverr, YouTube cover design has only 1,372 services available. 

Gig Statistics

  • Total services LinkedIn/YouTube: 3324/1372
  • Online Sellers LinkedIn/YouTube: 350/102
  • Average price per service: $15
  • Average monthly search: 1000


Article and Blog Writing Low Competition Gigs On Fiverr

1. Food Recipes Blog Post

Food Recipes Blog Post

The article and blog writing niche on Fiverr is a highly saturated one. This may make it very difficult to pave the way in this niche. However, if you are in love with writing and can’t find any other niche to make money with on Fiverr, I will advise you seriously narrow down your niche in these services. 

To help you out, the food recipes blog post is one you can start with. Setting up a gig in this niche will help you land some orders in the writing niche. Remember the goal is to get orders and make money, so your priority should be focused on the areas where there is less competition. 

Blog posts dealing with food recipes are low-competition gigs on Fiverr that anyone can set up and start getting orders. But note that you have to deliver a professional job if you want to get positive reviews and keep getting more customers. 

This niche only has about 1,012 services available and only 48 sellers are always only on average. 

Gig Statistics

  • Total services: 1012
  • Online Sellers: 48
  • Average price per service: $15
  • Average monthly search: 25000


2. Email Copywriting

Email Copywriting - High Demand Low Competition Gigs On Fiverr

Looking for low-competition gigs on Fiverr that can make you sales? Then start offering Email Copywriting asap. Email copy is in high demand thanks to the increase in eCommerce. Lots of businesses and companies are looking for proficient copywriters to help them write high-converting emails.

You can offer this service on Fiverr and thankfully it is one of the Low competition gigs right now. This means you won’t face many competitors and amazingly, there are several buyers. If you are new to writing and Email copywriting, then get a course on Udemy and acquire a skill for yourself. This will help you in the long run. 

Right now on Fiverr, this niche only has 2,879 services available and just about 146 services of those are active only. 

Gig Statistics

  • Total services: 2870
  • Online Sellers: 146
  • Average price per service: $100
  • Average monthly search: 1000


3. Social Media Copy

Social Media CopyYes, you read that right. There is Email Copy and there is social media copy. If you are great at developing marketable content that can engage the audience and even persuade them to buy a product, subscribe or even sign up for a program, then you can easily make more money by offering this service on the Fiverr platform. 

Social media has grown so big that we have billions of users flooding Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Youtube, Facebook, etc, every day. Companies see a very big opportunity here and you as well should see an opportunity to make money by offering this as a professional service to these companies. You can do this either offline or as a freelancer on Fiverr.

With just 1911 services available, I will say this is one of the low competition gigs on Fiverr that anyone could actually start getting orders in. And it has just 56 sellers online every day on average.

Gig Statistics

  • Total services: 1911
  • Online Sellers: 56
  • Average price per service: $35
  • Average monthly search: 1000


4. Grant Writing Niche

Grant Writing Niche

Grant writing according to Wikipedia is the practice of completing an application process for a financial grant provided by an institution such as a government department, corporation, foundation, or trust. To become a successful grant writer you need a clear understanding of grantsmanship. Again, this is a skill that can easily be acquired from an online course either on Udemy, Coursera, or any other platform. 

They are low-competition gigs you can set up on the Fiverr freelance platform and be sure to get orders within your first month. There are lots of Fiverr beginners in this niche making sales every day and they are not even in Level 1 yet. 

All it will require from you to outrank them on the first page is an SEO-optimised gig with a good description and a clear call to action and you will see the orders flowing. 

This niche has just 1867 services available and only 293 sellers are online on average every day. 

Gig Statistics

  • Total services: 1867
  • Online Sellers: 293
  • Average price per service: $30
  • Average monthly search: 14000


5. LinkedIn Profiles Niche

LinkedIn Profiles - High Demand Low Competition Gigs On Fiverr

This is what I call optimizing and updating LinkedIn Profiles for your clients. A LinkedIn profile is a personal social page provided by Linkedin for you to showcase your professional life.

There are lots of people out there who want to update their LinkedIn Profiles to stand out and be in a position of getting their desired jobs. But for some reason, they are not able to do this themselves and so, they look for freelance professionals who is able to do this for them. 

If you are good at optimizing and making a LinkedIn Profile stand out, then you can offer this gig as a service on Fiverr and earn more money. 

If you look at the gigs in the picture below, you will see that some people are already crushing it in this niche. With just 1,219 services available and only 70 online sellers, you can make waves in these low-competition gigs, so go ahead and set up some gigs for yourself. 

Gig Statistics

  • Total services: 1219
  • Online Sellers: 70
  • Average price per service: $40
  • Average monthly search: 14500


6. Press Releases 

Press Releases - High Demand Low Competition Gigs On Fiverr

Press Releases are also low-competition gigs you can offer on Fiverr as a writer. There are lots of media houses that are looking for short, compelling news stories to be written by a public relations professional which they can then use for their media businesses.

If you position yourself as a press release professional writer, you will get lots of these press release jobs either as a freelancer online or offline. 

The good part about this niche is that it has very low competition and there is a very high demand for such articles. In this niche, there are only 2,498 services available and most of them are doing really well as they get orders on daily basis. There is a huge search for the niche with over 22k monthly searches and on Fiverr, you only have 166 sellers online on average. 

Gig Statistics

  • Total services: 1498
  • Online Sellers: 166
  • Average price per service: $50
  • Average monthly search: 22000


7. Job Descriptions Writing

Job Descriptions Writing - High Demand Low Competition Gigs On Fiverr

If you can offer grant writing, then you can as well offer job description writing. Whether you want to write a job description for an HR manager, for an employee, for an employer, or even for small business owners looking to hire, you can do this as a freelance writer on Fiverr. 

Good enough, this writing does not require much as many of the details will be provided to you during the Q and A with your client. All you need to do is to put together all that is required from a worker and send it to your clients. 

A job description writing usually contains a summarises of the essential responsibilities, activities, qualifications, and skills for a particular role. 

Looking at the Fiverr freelance marketplace, there are only 688 services available, and only 38 of those sellers are usually online giving you a very huge opportunity to excel.

Gig Statistics

  • Total services: 688
  • Online Sellers: 38
  • Average price per service: $20
  • Average monthly search: 27000


8. White Papers Writing

White Papers - High Demand Low Competition Gigs On Fiverr

There are so many companies, especially in the crypto space that want to have a clear and concise whitepaper written about their project.

A white paper is a report or guide that informs readers concisely about a complex issue and presents the issuing body’s philosophy on the matter. It is meant to help readers understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision – this is according to Wikipedia.

If you know how to research and do this kind of writing, there are lots of opportunities for you on Fiverr, because lots of people are looking for Freelance writers to help them achieve this. Most of them use Fiverr since the price is cheap.

You can set up a gig to cover the following topics – white paper on NFTs, crypto, blockchain, DAO, metaverse, etc. there are just about 1,259 services available and only 106 sellers are usually available online. 

Gig Statistics

  • Total services: 1259
  • Online Sellers: 106
  • Average price per service: $50
  • Average monthly search: 1000


9. Book Editing Niche

Book Editing Niche

The last on my list on the article and blog writing niche is Book Editing. Editing is one of the easiest services to offer on Fiverr. This is because you are not doing any heavy research. Rather you just simply read through a piece of content, spot errors, and any other mistakes – correct them, and you are done. 

However, some editing may come with formatting and maybe more advanced. This may require you to be very proficient with editing and formatting and also know how to use Microsoft or Google Docs very proficiently. You may also need to install some tools and plugins to help you with grammatical error checks and corrections. An example of such a tool is Grammarly. 

The book editing niche is one of the low competition gigs on fiver that has a very handsome reward – of course depending on the volume of the book you are editing. It has just about 4,972 services available with only 359 online sellers on average. 

Gig Statistics

  • Total services: 4972
  • Online Sellers: 359
  • Average price per service: $100
  • Average monthly search: 4500


Digital Marketing Low Competition Gigs on Fiverr

1. Podcast Marketing Niche

Podcast Marketing

If you have a large following on social media, you can earn more money by offering the Podcast Marketing Gig on Fiverr as a service. 

This niche doesn’t require any skill at all, all it requires is a large following who can easily engage with your content or a community where you have access to make contributions such as Facebook groups, Reddit and Quora Space, etc. 

Once you are sure that your followers will engage with podcasts and also listen to them, then you can easily set up a gig or two in this niche and start getting orders. 

However, you should ensure that you are promoting podcasts on related topics. If your social media account is more into health, then you may want to only promote podcasts that deal with health or health-related topics. 

Podcast Marketing Niche offers some of the low competition gigs on Fiverr and has just about 1,046 services available and only 71 sellers are usually online on average. 

Gig Statistics

  • Total services: 1046
  • Online Sellers: 71
  • Average price per service: $10
  • Average monthly search: 2000


2. Mobile App Marketing

Mobile App Marketing - High Demand Low Competition Gigs On Fiverr

For those great with marketing and promotion, the Mobile App Marketing niche is another low-competition gig on Fiverr at the moment. Almost every business wants to own its mobile app. However, owning a mobile app doesn’t mean an increase in traffic and revenue. They will need to promote their apps to reach their desired audience. 

This is where you come in. Because the niche is low in competition, it will be easy to quickly rank on the first page and get orders. And when you are able to deliver a professional job with a 5-star rating, you just opened your door to more orders and increase sales. 

This niche only has about 1,326 services available and only 69 of the sellers are usually online on average. 

Gig Statistics

  • Total services: 1326
  • Online Sellers: 69
  • Average price per service: $25
  • Average monthly search: 1000


Video and Animation Low Competition Gigs on Fiverr

1. E-Commerce Product Videos

E-Commerce Product Videos - High Demand Low Competition Gigs On Fiverr

Although the video and animation niche is highly saturated, there are still some areas you can venture in with low-competition gigs. One of such is the E-Commerce product videos. 

If you can produce high-quality product videos that will resonate with the audience and users, then you can give this a shot. You should also know that it is not all videos that require human presence, in case you are not comfortable showing your face, you can just simply do a video that displays the product while you do the talking. 

This niche is highly lucrative, high in demand, and with just a few services available on the Fiverr freelance platform. From the picture displayed below, you can see that there are just only 850 services available with only 53 of the sellers online on average. And they are selling for over $100 on average. 

Gig Statistics

  • Total services: 850
  • Online Sellers: 53
  • Average price per service: $100
  • Average monthly search: 1000


2. App & Website Previews

App & Website Previews

App & Website Previews are simply the act of creating a video summary that showcases the complete app or mobile in usage. Telling people everything about the app or mobile. This summary is usually called demo videos. 

If you are great with video editing, you can set up some gigs in this niche and see how the orders will flow in. With the niche very low in competition and high in demand, you are sure to get ranked on the first page of Fiverr. 

This niche has just about 1,259 services available on the Fiverr platform and only 97 of those sellers are usually online on average. 

Gig Statistics

  • Total services: 1259
  • Online Sellers: 97
  • Average price per service: $100
  • Average monthly search: 1000

Read Also: Affiliate Marketing for Beginners – 7 Successful Tips

Final Note

In this post, I showed you 22 high-demand low competition gigs on Fiverr right now. All the niches I shared in this post were highly researched so as to give you the best. 

So, if you are a freelancer on Fiverr and you have been struggling to make sales, you can simply go through this list again, look for the niche that suits you, and set up some gigs based on the niche. 

You should also note that it is advisable to always set up at least 2 to 3 gigs in a particular niche. Setting up just one gig and expecting to see orders won’t do the magic. 

You need to put in up to at least 3 gigs in a niche. Let’s say you want to go with the cover design niche. As a beginner, Fiverr allows you to have up to 7 gigs, you can set up 3 gigs on the Facebook cover, 2 on LinkedIn, and 2 on YouTube, this way, you stand a chance of appearing on the first page of Fiverr where your gigs can be seen. 

I hope you enjoyed reading and also learned from this topic, let me know your thought in the comment session, and have a great day. 

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