
How To Make Money With Your Smartphone In Nigeria Successfully

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Want to learn how to make money with your smartphone in Nigeria? Then this thread will be an interesting one for you. As always, I have done great research in putting up with the best ways that you can use your smartphone to make money online. This means you don’t need to rely on a desktop or laptop to make money online. As long as you have a smartphone with an internet connection, you are good to go. 


So, whether you are looking to earn some extra cash without leaving the comfort of your home or looking for a complete job replacement, these businesses will be a great fit for you. With a little bit of creativity and effort, you can turn your phone into a money-making machine.

Gone are the days when smartphones were just for making calls and sending messages. Now, with the right apps and tools, you can use your device to make money anywhere, anytime. Whether you’re looking to supplement your income or start a full-time business, there’s something out there for everyone.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the best ways to make money with your smartphone in Nigeria. From taking surveys to selling products online, I’ll cover everything you need to know to get started. So, if you are ready to add that extra source of income, then let’s go straight to business. 


Why Is Your Smartphone a Money-Making Machine?

To start with, your smartphone is more than just a device for staying connected—it’s a treasure trove of possibilities when it comes to making money online. I will give you some reasons why this is true. 

Convenience: With your smartphone always within reach, you have the convenience of working anytime and anywhere, maximizing your productivity and earning potential.

Versatility: The versatility of smartphone applications allows you to explore a wide range of money-making opportunities, such as freelancing, blogging, creating skits, etc.

Low Barrier to Entry: Starting a business or finding part-time work can be expensive, but many smartphone-based money-making methods require little to no initial investment. All you need to get started is just your phone and internet connection

Growing Digital Market: Nigeria’s digital market is rapidly expanding, providing a vast consumer base and increasing demand for online services. It is the rip marketing for any online business

Flexible Working Hours: Whether you’re a student, a stay-at-home parent, or a full-time employee, mobile money-making methods offer the flexibility to earn extra income at your convenience.

Now you see why your smartphone is the ultimate money-making machine. Alright, let’s look at how to make money with your smartphone in Nigeria following the methods listed below. 


Take Online Surveys

One easy and convenient option to make money with your smartphone is by taking online surveys. Online surveys allow you to earn cash or rewards by simply answering survey questions through your phone.

Businessman Filling Online Survey Form On Smartphone

Taking online surveys is like fishing – the more bait you put out, the higher your chance of catching something even bigger. There are various websites and apps available that offer paid surveys. Some popular ones include Swagbucks, Toluna, MOBROG Nigeria, Triaba, Cointiply, and Survey Junkie. 

By signing up for multiple platforms, you increase your chances of receiving more frequent survey invitations and earning more rewards.

To maximize your earnings, it’s important to be consistent with taking surveys. Set aside a specific time each day to complete them or whenever you have free time throughout the day. 

Keep in mind that not all surveys will pay well or even qualify for a payout, so patience and persistence are key traits when pursuing this avenue for making money with your smartphone in Nigeria.

Although taking online surveys may not make you rich overnight, it can provide an extra source of income without leaving the comfort of your home. Plus, it’s a great way to utilize your spare time while contributing valuable feedback to companies that seek consumer opinions. 


E-Commerce: Build Your Online Store

Did you know that in Nigeria, the e-commerce industry is estimated to be worth over $13 billion? Well, now you know. This presents a huge opportunity for anyone looking to make money with their smartphone. 

How To Make Money With Your Smartphone In Nigeria - E-Commerce

One way to do this is by selling goods and services online. There are several platforms available in Nigeria where individuals can sell items such as clothing, electronics, and even homemade crafts. These include Jumia, Konga, and Jiji. With just a few clicks on your smartphone, you can upload photos of your products and set prices for potential buyers to see.

Also, establishing an online store can be another lucrative alternative if you don’t want to use third-party platforms. With your smartphone as your gateway, you can create a simple e-commerce platform to sell products or services. Platforms such as Shopify and WooCommerce provide user-friendly interfaces, enabling you to set up and manage your online store effortlessly.

Because your smartphone has a dual purpose, you can leverage the camera to capture product images, utilize various applications for photo editing and content creation, and optimize your website for mobile users.

Next, you can use social media marketing strategies to promote your online store and attract your target audience. With dedication and effective marketing, your online business can flourish, becoming a great source of income.

Affiliate marketing is another profitable way to earn money through your smartphone in Nigeria. But how does it work? Let’s explore this in the next section!


Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a very lucrative business here in Nigeria. And you can do this with your smartphone from anywhere in the world. This lucrative business opportunity allows you to promote products and services on behalf of other businesses and earn a commission for each sale made through your unique link.

For starters, you can check out my complete guide on affiliate marketing for beginners

To get started with affiliate marketing, all you need is access to the internet and a platform to advertise on. Popular venues include social media sites such as Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook. Once you have chosen your niche and found relevant products or services to promote, simply share your unique referral link with your followers. The more people that click on your link and make purchases, the more money you can earn! It’s as simple as that. If you are unsure of where to find affiliate products to promote, then check out this guide or go through this one here. Both guides provide detailed explanations of affiliate marketing and how to get products for promotion. 

The beauty of affiliate marketing lies in its flexibility – it can be done from anywhere at any time. Whether you’re commuting to work or lounging at home, take advantage of the downtime by promoting products and earning passive income. So why wait? Start exploring different affiliate programs today and see how much extra cash you can bring in without ever leaving your phone screen.


Online Freelancing: The World of Remote Work

It is no longer news that online freelancing has emerged as a powerful avenue for individuals to leverage their skills and talents and make money online, even with their smartphones. Just with your smartphone, you can unlock countless opportunities to offer your services to clients worldwide. With platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer, you can now connect with businesses seeking your expertise, render your services, and get paid.

Unlock Your Earning Potential With These Lucrative Freelance Jobs in Nigeria

Whether you possess skills in writing, graphic design, web development, translation, or social media management, you can showcase your talents and secure freelance projects. Luckily, you can also use your smartphone to create a professional portfolio, communicate with clients, and deliver high-quality work, all from the convenience of your fingertips.

The best part of freelancing is that you don’t need any investment capital; all you need is your smartphone, internet connection, and some creativity.


Digital Marketing

Another great way to make money with your smartphone in Nigeria is through digital marketing.  As a digital marketer, you could utilize several strategies such as social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and email marketing to make money with your smartphone. Once you are able to develop your skills in any of these areas, you could build your personal brand and position yourself to attract clients who are seeking digital marketers and offer your services as a digital marketer to them.

As a digital marketer, you could also offer your services to businesses in helping them drive brand awareness, generate leads, and ultimately boost sales. This is one area that you can really use to make a huge income with your phone. Lots of businesses are in need of digital marketers that can help them set up and run effective campaigns, and also help them generate leads that will convert.


Start a YouTube Channel

If you’re a content creator, YouTube is a great platform to publish videos, connect with viewers, and earn money. With your smartphone, you can create short skits, online tutorials, guides, reviews, and so on, and publish on YouTube using your smartphone.

How To Make Money With Your Smartphone In Nigeria - Start a YouTube Channel

To make money through YouTube using a smartphone, you’ll need to set up a channel to post videos, get subscribers and keep them engaged.

You can use your phone to research topics, create scripts, and film easy tutorials (such as how to tie a tie, how to prepare a particular delicacy, how to do makeup, etc.). Once you are done, simply edit your videos with your phone and hit the publish button. Apart from that, you can also offer video editing services for others with YouTube channels.

If you make it big on YouTube and get huge subscribers, it can become a reliable money-making source. Successful YouTubers with high engagement rates and large followings often go on to become influencers, attracting sponsorships from all kinds of brands locally and worldwide.


Become a Social Media Manager

Another great way to make money online in Nigeria with your smartphone is to become a social media manager. Social media marketing is the process of helping companies, individuals, and business find their target audience on social media and help them grow and maintain a good social media account.

Most Nigerians now spend their time on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram. If you are great with social media and have good knowledge of how it works, it can be a wonderful opportunity for you to help businesses connect with the right audience.

Check out these 22 High Demand Low Competition Gigs On Fiverr

Social media marketing has provided numerous options for businesses to improve sales and interact with more people worldwide. You can be a successful social media manager if you understand the algorithms of various social media platforms and how you can utilize them to target individuals and businesses.

As more brands and businesses use social media to market and sell their products, the demand for social media managers will continue to rise.


Become an influencer

Making money as an influencer using your smartphone is another great option you can opt for. You already know one or two people who are doing this. And it’s not difficult to get started. Before you embark on this, you need to determine your area of expertise or passion and focus on creating content around it. This could be fashion, beauty, travel, fitness, food, or any other topic that resonates with you. By establishing yourself as an authority in a specific niche, you can attract a dedicated audience.

How To Make Money With Your Smartphone In Nigeria - Become and influencer

Check out these 10 Proven Strategies to Make Money on TikTok

Once you have chosen your niche, you may also want to select the social media platforms that align with your content and target audience. Do not jump into all social media platforms at once. It can be overwhelming.  After choosing your social media platform, go ahead and create compelling profiles and optimize them with relevant keywords and appealing visuals. Consistently post high-quality content that is engaging, informative, and visually appealing. Use your smartphone to capture and edit photos and videos, leveraging the built-in editing tools or third-party apps.

Remember to always engage with your audience by responding to comments, messages, and feedback. Also, collaborate with other influencers or brands to expand your reach and gain exposure to new followers. Utilize relevant hashtags, geotags, and captivating captions to increase your discoverability. Encourage your audience to share your content with their networks to amplify your reach.

Becoming an influencer is really a cool way to make money with your smartphone in Nigeria. You could monetize your account, collaborate with brands, get sponsored deals, sell products, or even promote affiliate links or post on your account. 


Become a Mobile App Tester

A mobile app tester is an individual who is responsible for evaluating and testing mobile applications for functionality, usability, and overall user experience. Mobile app testing is a crucial step in any mobile app development process to ensure that the app works correctly, meets the intended objectives, and provides a positive experience for users.

This kind of job is 100 percent done with smartphones. And we are talking about how to make money with your smartphone in Nigeria. The only thing that may be stopping you from making money right now with this option is a data connection, but I don’t think that will be a problem. According to ZipRecruiter, you could earn around $112,146/annum, $8,909 /month, and $2,055 /week as a mobile app tester

If you are looking for where to get this kind of job, you can check out this list

Remember, becoming a successful mobile app tester may require persistence and flexibility. It’s important to communicate effectively, pay attention to detail, and provide valuable insights to developers. Over time, as you gain experience and expertise, you can increase your earning potential as a mobile app tester.


Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Can I Realistically Earn From Taking Online Surveys In Nigeria?

It’s important to note that the amount of money you can earn from taking online surveys in Nigeria depends on several factors such as the survey site, number of available surveys, and demographics. Generally, most survey sites pay between N100 – N500 per completed survey. However, some may offer higher payouts for longer or more specialized surveys.

Also, while taking online surveys may seem like an easy way to make quick cash, it requires a significant investment of time and effort. Some surveys take only a few minutes to complete, while others may take up to 30 minutes or more. Additionally, not all surveys are guaranteed, as sometimes you may be screened out due to not meeting certain criteria.

Finally, if you’re interested in making money through online surveys in Nigeria, it’s recommended to sign up for multiple survey sites and be consistent with completing available surveys. While you may not become rich solely from taking online surveys, it can provide a decent supplemental income stream when done consistently over time.

In summary, taking online surveys can be a viable option for making money with your smartphone in Nigeria. Just keep in mind that earnings will vary based on different factors and require effort and consistency to see results.

What Platform Can I Sell My Products Using My Smartphone In Nigeria?

One of the most popular platforms for buying and selling in Nigeria is Jumia. This platform offers everything from electronics to clothing, with sellers able to create their own virtual storefronts within the website. Other options are Jiji and Konga, which allows vendors to set up shop on their site or use their mobile app for sales. Both sites offer payment options like bank transfers and card payments, making transactions easy for both buyers and sellers.

But if you’re looking for something more specific, consider using social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook Marketplace. These platforms allow users to post pictures of their products along with descriptions and prices. Potential customers can then message the seller directly through the app or website to make purchases. It’s a great way to market unique items without having to pay fees associated with larger e-commerce platforms.

How Do I Effectively Market My Affiliate Products To Make The Most Profit?

To start with, it’s important to choose the right niche for your affiliate products. Don’t just promote anything that comes your way – focus on a specific area of interest or expertise. This will help establish credibility with your audience and increase the chances of them making a purchase.

You can read more about affiliate marketing success here

Next, take advantage of social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to reach a larger audience. Create engaging content that showcases the benefits of the product and use relevant hashtags to attract potential customers. You can also partner with influencers in your niche who have large followings to further expand your reach. If you have a blog, you could also use your blog to promote your affiliate products

Don’t forget about email marketing. Email marketing is a great way of building a list of subscribers who are interested in your niche and sending out regular newsletters featuring promotions, discounts, and new product releases. By consistently providing value to your subscribers, you’ll build trust and increase the likelihood of them purchasing from you.

Are There Any Legal Or Tax Implications I Need To Be Aware Of When Making Money With My Smartphone In Nigeria?

Making money with your smartphone in Nigeria can be a great way to earn some extra income. However, depending on the nature of the job, it is important to be aware of any legal or tax implications that may come along with this type of work. for example affiliate marketing with Amazon, where you are required to update your tax information. In order to avoid any potential issues down the road, it’s essential to do your research and stay informed.

One thing you should consider when making money with your smartphone is whether or not you need to register as a business. Depending on the type of work you’re doing and how much money you’re earning, there may be certain regulations you need to follow. Additionally, it’s important to keep track of all the money you make so that you can accurately report it on your taxes at the end of the year.

Another factor to keep in mind is that different types of income may have different tax rates. For example, if you’re working as an affiliate marketer, you’ll likely be paying a different tax rate than someone who’s earning money through online surveys or other similar activities. It’s always a good idea to consult with a professional accountant or tax lawyer if you’re unsure about how much you owe in taxes.

Overall, while making money with your smartphone in Nigeria can be lucrative, it’s important to approach this type of work carefully and responsibly. By staying informed about any legal or tax implications and taking steps to protect yourself financially, you can ensure that your side hustle remains profitable and sustainable for years to come.

Can I Make A Full-time Income Solely From Using My Smartphone To Make Money In Nigeria?

YES! However, jobs such as taking surveys, and participating in paid focus groups, may not give you the desired result because of several limitations. 

But if you’re willing to put more effort and time into building an online business through your smartphone, then making a full-time income becomes possible. For instance, you can start a blog or YouTube channel on a topic that interests you and monetize it through ads or sponsorships. You can also offer freelance services like writing, graphic design, or social media management which have high demand from businesses looking for affordable digital solutions.

That said, earning a full-time income solely from using your smartphone requires persistence and patience. It’s important to research and learn about different strategies for growing an online business while leveraging social media platforms like Instagram or Twitter to reach potential customers. With consistency and dedication towards building valuable content or providing excellent service to clients, making a living from your mobile device is definitely achievable.



In conclusion, making money with your smartphone in Nigeria has never been easier. By taking online surveys, selling goods and services, or engaging in affiliate marketing, you can earn a decent income from the comfort of your own home. It’s like having a virtual money tree that you can pick from whenever you need extra cash.

Think about it like this: your smartphone is like a magic wand that can turn your ideas into reality. With just a few taps on the screen, you can connect with people all over Nigeria (and even the world) who are willing to pay for what you have to offer. So why not put that wand to work and start earning some extra income today? The possibilities are endless.


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