
Jumia Affiliate Marketing: How To Become Successful

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Want to find out how Jumia affiliate marketing works and how to make money on Jumia? Want to make money online? Or you want to learn how to make money as an affiliate marketer. 

Here is a complete step-by-step guide on Jumia affiliate marketing and how to become successful. But first, let’s get ourselves acquainted with Jumia and Affiliate marketing. 


What is Jumia?

Jumia is one of the eCommerce giants in Africa. It is an online marketplace that specializes in the sales of physical products. There are countless products you can find on Jumia – such as health and beauty products, phones and tablets, household items, laptops, computers, electronics, fashion items, baby products, games and consoles, and products for sports, automobiles, etc. 

It is important to note that Jumia as a company basically facilitates the purchase and delivery of most of its products. This means they operate as a middleman between every dealer and the buyers. The company was established in 2012 in Lagos, Nigeria. Today, the company has branches in about 11 other African countries, with more than 110000 companies partnering with it. 

You can find Jumia in any of these countries — Nigeria, South Africa, Algeria, Egypt, Ghana, Morocco, Kenya, Tunisia, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Uganda, and Zando. 


What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is an online business model where you get paid for every successful purchase that you refer to a business owner. Payments can be in terms of compensation, commissions, gift cards, royalties, etc. In this type of business, the business owner is known as the affiliate network/program, while you are seen as the affiliate marketer or publisher.  

This means, as an affiliate marketer, you only earn a commission whenever you successfully bring in someone who makes a purchase of the product/service you are promoting through your link. These commissions are totally dependent on the percentage set by the affiliate program. The percentage could be anywhere from 1% to as high as 70% depending on the program and the nature of the product you are promoting. 

Quick Tip: You must know that for you to earn your commission as an affiliate marketer, purchases must be made through your unique link. These are called referrer links. Every successfully registered affiliate marketers have a unique referrer link. 

Before you start your affiliate marketing journey, check out these 7 steps of a successful affiliate marketer. 


Jumia Affiliate Marketing Program Overview

The Jumia affiliate marketing program is no different from others. It is a pay-per-sale program. — As an affiliate, you only get paid when the people you refer make a complete purchase. The good thing is that, unlike many other programs, Jumia adopts the 30-day cookie method, — this means, that if a customer clicks on your link and buys a product from Jumia within the next 30 days, you as the affiliate will still get your commission irrespective of what they buy. 

All it really requires to make money from Jumia affiliate marketing is to generate quality leads that will convert to sales. There are ways you can achieve this with ease, and we will look at them later in this post. 


How Jumia Affiliate Marketing Works

The Jumia affiliate marketing program is simple and straightforward. The amazing part is that your commissions are paid directly to your local bank. You don’t need any online payment platforms like PayPal or Payoneer to receive your money. 

Once you register on the platform, you’ll be redirected to your dashboard, — where you will be given referrer links for each product. These referrer links are what you promote to your audience and make commissions when they buy the products through those links. 

Every link has a cookie period of 30 days, — if someone clicks on that link and for some reason does not make the purchase immediately, but comes back within the 30-day period to maybe buy something else,  you’ll still be paid your commission. The commission structure ranges from 1% to 9% depending on the category of the product. 

It is important to always promote Jumia products using your referrer links — since that’s the only way that they can track every sale coming from you. This is done through the tracking code provided on the platform. 

Jumia Affiliate Marketing - How it works

Commission Payout Time and Minimum Payout Threshold

Every successful and approved commission is paid out monthly as long as it meets the minimum payout limit. However, if your commission is less than the payout limit for both international and local transfers, it will be rolled over to the following month — until your approved commission reach the minimum payout. 

The company has a minimum payout threshold or limit. These minimum payout limits are different for both international and local transfers. The minimum payout limit for local transfers, — which is direct to your bank, is €2, while for international transfers, the minimum is €50. 


How to Get Started with Jumia Affiliate Marketing

Before you jump into Jumia affiliate marketing, do well to check out these 7 steps of a successful affiliate marketer. — if you want to be a successful affiliate marketer. 

Alright, with that said, Jumia recently moved its affiliate program from to Jumia Kol. Click on the Jumia Kol to launch the affiliate website. Then click join now or register in the top right corner to fill in the registration form. 

There are 3 main account types you can choose from as an affiliate. 

  • The Creator/Micro-Influencer Account. — For this, you need at least 5K followers on any of your social media accounts. 
  • The Mega-Influencer Account. — For this, you need to have a minimum of 100K followers on any of your social media accounts. 
  • The Affiliate — an Individual or business. — This will require you to have a blog or website. 

Jumia Affiliate Marketing - account types

Once you have filled out the form and selected your account type, enter your website or social media URL, agree with their terms and conditions, and hit the register button. Hurray, you are done. Now, wait for the team to review your application. 

All applications are being reviewed and if successful, you will be accepted into the Jumia affiliate program. You will be contacted via the email you submitted during registration.


Can I Join Jumia Affiliate Program from Anywhere in the World?

The answer is yes, as long as you have an internet connection and your smart device or laptop to work. However, Jumia does not deliver to all countries in the world. So, even though you can join from anywhere in the world, you need to be sure that your targeted audience is basically residing in Africa. Especially in the places listed below. 

Nigeria, Egypt, Morocco, Ivory Coast, Kenya, South Africa, Tunisia, Ghana, Algeria, Uganda, and Senegal.  

These are the places where you can easily drive sales using your Jumia affiliate links. 


Why You Should Join Jumia Affiliate Marketing Program

The Jumia affiliate marketing program has proven to be one of the best affiliate marketing programs in Nigeria. With a proven track record of payouts, no delay in commissions, and an easy-to-join platform. Below are some of the things that really make the company outstanding. 

  • The company has thousands of products in any niche you want to go into. This means you’ll always find something that will interest your audience. 
  • They offer a great commission for products you promote.  
  • The platform is easy to join and does not require too many procedures. 
  • The payment method is very swift and easy — direct deposit to your local bank. 
  • You can easily promote their products using any online platform such as social media, blogs, forums, email, and YouTube
  • Most importantly, they have a great customer support system — you can easily get help if you are stuck or having some issues with your account. 


How to Promote Jumia Affiliate Products

Like I said earlier in this post, there are ways to promote Jumia affiliate links and generate quality leads that will convert to sales. Here, we are going to see the several methods you can use to promote your Jumia affiliate links. 

A quick tip: To become successful in your affiliate marketing journey, you will need to have your own dedicated online platform. Such as a blog or YouTube Channel. These are where the bulk of buyer traffics come from — You also get recurring buyers and earn passive income for life. 

However, if you are just starting your affiliate marketing journey and do not have your own blog or YouTube Channel. You can still promote your Jumia Affiliate Links using any of the methods below. 


1. Social Media

Almost everyone has a social media account such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Pinterest, and even LinkedIn. 

You can easily promote your affiliate links using any of your social media accounts. With your Facebook account, you can join groups and create pages. There are several groups where you can easily promote your affiliate links with ease. 

However, you need to be careful when promoting your affiliate links using groups, some groups frown at this, and promoting too many links may not also be healthy for your account as Facebook frowns at it generally. 

2. WhatsApp

WhatsApp is another great place for promoting your Affiliate link. Because WhatsApp has a more defined reach, you will basically be targeting those closest to you or those who have come in contact with you in one way or the other. You can promote your affiliate links using your WhatsApp status, broadcast, groups, or WhatsApp TV. 

3. Telegram Groups and Channels

Telegram is very powerful when it comes to building a group or channel. A single group can have a maximum of 200k members, and a telegram channel can accommodate millions of subscribers. That’s the power of telegram. 

You can create a telegram group or channel where you talk about several topics relating to your niche, educate people, and also use the medium to promote several products that they will love. 

4. Email Marketing

Email marketing is a great tool for promoting your affiliate links and getting people to buy. But growing an email list doesn’t come easy. And if you don’t have an email list, this method won’t work for you. You can grow your email list by offering your followers gifts in exchange for their emails. 

5. Medium

For those who may not have money to start their own blog, simply create a free medium account by going to Use your account to blog about your favorite niche and gradually insert your affiliate links into your post. You can also write reviews and the best products using your medium account. Always remember to add your affiliate disclosure if you don’t want your posts taken down by medium. 

6. Blog

This is the best method of promoting any affiliate link. It has so many advantages, plus, you are in total control of your content. You won’t be concerned about account suspension or your account being taken down. All that you need to do is to keep writing quality content and inserting your affiliate link. As you gradually work up the ladder and gain lots of search volume, your traffic will increase and so your income. 

Blogging has proven to be the best method of promoting any affiliate link. It generates huge income over time and is also known to generate passive income in the long run. 

7. YouTube

This is my second-best method of promoting affiliate links. If you are great with cameras and can really talk about products you love without bias, you will soon be followed by thousands of people — because they will trust your review. And trust me, this will greatly boost your affiliate earnings. 

8. Paid Advertising

If you have tried every method listed above and nothing is working for you, then you can try paid advertising. As a beginner, this method may not be favorable for you. Especially if you don’t want to spend money during your starting period. 

There are several ad methods you can use such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, TikTok, or Instagram Ads. As you progress, always find out what works best for you before you go in big. 


How to Get Your Jumia Affiliate Link

You need to access your affiliate link before you can start promoting Jumia products. There are 2 methods of accessing your Jumia affiliate links. Below is a step-by-step guide to accessing your links. 

Method 1

Once your Jumia Kol account is approved, you will need to log in to your account and visit your dashboard. 

On your dashboard, you will see Advertising, Reporting, and Support. To access your affiliate link, click on “Advertising >> Offers”. Then click on Jumia eCommerce. 

Jumia Affiliate Marketing - Offers

Here, you can see the countries where Jumia currently operates. Select the country of your choice, for example, Nigeria. If you want to promote Jumia products targeting Nigeria, else select the country where your target audience is. 

Jumia Affiliate Marketing - Jumia eCommerce

After selecting your country, you will see the list of offers you can promote. Chose the offer that best describes your niche. 

Jumia Affiliate Marketing - Offers-categories

On the next page, you will see options on how to use the offer for promotion. You can see options like your generated URL and your generated banner. 

Depending on your promotional method, you can use either the link or the banner. Remember, a banner is mostly utilized if you have a blog. You can use more than one banner for the same product. 

If you are using the link, you can even share it directly to your Facebook page. There is also an option for you to shorten the link, — make it clean and nice. 

Lastly, click on the copy to copy your affiliate link or Banner Code — which you can use for promotion on any platform. 

Promoting Specific Products on Jumia eCommerce Platform. 

Method 2

This is my best method and is the easiest way to generate a sale, which is why I also recommend it to you. Unlike the generic method used in the first part, this method helps you get those specific products your audience would like. 

So, rather than promoting the recommended offers by Jumia, simply use this method to promote what you think will be best for your audience. 

It’s even amazing when you stumble upon a nice product, you can just use this method to grab it and share it with your audience. 

Here is a step-by-step guide below

For this process, you need to first visit the Jumia online store to look for what you want to promote. Once you have seen the product, you will like to promote, click to open it, — copy the link from the address bar. See the example below. 

Jumia Affiliate Marketing - Offers-product-link


Now, follow through the same process in method 1 above and go to Jumia eCommerce — but rather than clicking on offer, click on the custom link. 

Here is what to do — on your Jumia KOL dashboard, click on “Advertising >> Custom Links >> Jumia eCommerce >> Select Country”. 

Now, paste the link we copied from the address bar earlier into the web page URL area, — above where you see “Please insert a valid and complete web page URL from Nigeria”.

Jumia Affiliate Marketing - Offers-product-link - generated

You can type in any text in the sub-affiliate ID if you wish to get additional tracking, it’s all your choice from here. 


Jumia Affiliate Commission Rates

Most people usually want to know the commission rate of every affiliate program before jumping in. commission rates are what motivate most affiliates to go in massive on a particular offer. Luckily for you, Jumia has its commission rates for each offer you are promoting spelled out. 

However, the commissions alone shouldn’t be the basis on which you jump into an offer. Picking an offer should be based on your niche and what you passive will be of great benefit to your audience. 

The image below shows you the niches on Jumia and their commission rates.

Jumia Affiliate Marketing - Offers-product-link - generated

How to Check Earned Commission On Jumia

Checking your affiliate commission on Jumia is very easy. Once you are logged in, and on your dashboard, you will see the details of your commissions earned. 

You will see the details in this format: 

Commissions Approved to be paid:  Estimated amount of commissions to be paid during the next payout

Commissions Pending:  Estimated amuount of commissions not yet approved due to pending orders, awaiting delivery, or return policy

Your Invoices: This includes all the invoices for your last payments. 



Now you are ready to get started with Jumia affiliate marketing. All you need, including how to register, how to get your affiliate links, and how to promote those affiliate links have been explained in this post. 

Remember, affiliate marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme, but it surely will make you become financially free — if you put in the work, and stay focused, consistent, and committed. 

Affiliate marketing is one way to make money online even while you sleep. — but to get to this level, you need to have your own self-hosted platform, for example, a blog

You can get affordable hosting from any of the companies listed below. 

Top 3 most recommended companies for hosting and domain. 

Name Cheap 👉 Best for Domain Name and Beginners hosting 

Hostinger 👉 Best Cheap Web hosting Company 

Bluehost 👉 Best for WordPress Hosting  


FAQs On Jumia Affiliate Marketing Program

What is Jumia KOL?

Jumia KOL is referred to as the Jumia Key Opinion Leader. Jumia renamed the affiliate marketing program from Jumia Affiliate Marketing Program to Jumia KOL Program to help enhance its service through technology and also improve the referral program for better performance.


How can I register on Kol Jumia?

Registration for the Jumia KOL program is completely free. Just visit the official website to sign up. Just follow the process mentioned on how to get started with Jumia affiliate market above. Also, ensure you have the requirements, so your account can be easily verified. 


How does the JUMIA KOL program work?

The process is very simple.

Join the KOL program by signing up > Fill in your complete and accurate details > Once your account is approved, start promoting Jumia. 

Once a customer buys a product from Jumia’s website through your link, you will be eligible for commission defined as per that item category.


Can I really make money on the Jumia affiliate program?

Yes, the Jumia affiliate marketing program is one of the legitimate ways to make money online in Nigeria and in Africa. But to really make money with this program, you have to be up and doing. Start promoting Jumia products through your social media accounts or blog. That’s how you earn from Jumia Affiliate marketing. Also, remember, you only make money when people buy the product, not when they click. 


Do I need to pay some fees to join the JUMIA KOL program?

There are no fees to join or to be part of the Jumia KOL program. Registration is completely free. 


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